The most noteworthy things from the last few weeks have been :
1. The amount of rain we've actually had - it's looking green here for a change and I have things that I'm sure must be flowers growing in my garden, competing with masses of capeweed of course. Our tank is full and even the smaller dam has some water in it ,which the frogs are very happy about if the level of noise they make at night is anything to go on.

2. And the most exciting thing of course... drumroll please ........... tah daa....... after 13 weeks with no car, I finally have wheels again. It's a used Honda Odyssey (which L. has dubbed the catholic mother's car ) and I am in love with it. Now I just have to organise getting some barriers built into the back so the dogs can travel safely and I will really feel that I am back to something resembling normality in regard to cars anyway.
The kelpies like it too - they have christened the back with a trip up and down the driveway, christened the front wheels as only kelpies truly can and have enjoyed me christening the CD player as well - with the "Sunny Cowgirls - Kelpie' of course !

And the best thing about having a car again is that I can actually enter some agility trials.
So after 3 and a half months off trialling, I ran 2 in 2 weekends to try and make up for lost time, something that I rarely do. We went to Sale a couple of weeks back - not a trial that I normally run as it is so far away and I don't like the grounds there at all. You could tell I had trial withdrawl when I ignored my dislike of the set up in general and sent off my entry for that one, plus it was confirmed when I got up at 3:30 am in order to get there in time- generally any trial that would see me up before 5am wouldn't get a look in as a day trip. Atilla had 6 runs and I think they were the 6 hardest courses I have ever run before - often you get one or two that everyone whinges about - what was the judge smoking ???? - and then the rest of the day makes up for it, but not this time. We did manage a Masters Jumping pass that I worked my butt off for so was pleased with that. Plus we revisited the never ending list of a ton of things to work on again, especially after so long off.
The next week was Ballarat and I entered Cruz this time. Atilla got 2 Masters runs just so he didn't sit around doing nothing, no quallies but I was really happy with the way he ran - certainly a lot more speed than the weekend before. Cruz was an absolute little star which I wasn't expecting after so long off, with 3 passes off 4 runs. He put in a lovely Novice Agility run for 1st place, then qualified on both Excellent Jumping courses, with a 2nd place on one run that I was delighted with - there are some extremely fast 500 dogs coming up through Excellent at the moment and poor 'stretch' has to jump 600 after missing out by literally a 'whisker'. Me having a mental blank right near the end of his 2nd jumping run pushed him just out of the placings as I forgot where the course went (um, the tunnel right in front of you !!!!!) and had to stop and look- and Cruz being such a good boy stopped to look with me, unlike Atilla who would have just continued on to the tunnel and said' get out of my way, I know where I'm going ,' in which this case he would have been right.
The last Novice Agility run saw some shut down resurface at the start line where he got up and walked past the tyre. I took him up the back to the dogwalk, around the half way point in the course, did a bit of collar restraining to rev him up, then went on from that point and of course he finished the last half of the course like a rocket... but again I was very happy with that. I was also very happy with the speed that he completed the weaves on both courses as this was the first time I think I pretty much got 'home speed' in a trial setting.
So lots of positive things from Cruz overall and lots of things that I now want to work on with him before next year's trialling season. Loads of serpentines and threadles seem to be the flavour of the month in Masters at the moment, so when he gets up there I want to be ready for them.
This weekend is Warrnambool trial - one of my favourites. Not necessarily my favourite in terms of the way the rings are set up -almost on top of one another with tents and gazebos right on ropes due to very limited space. A nightmare for trying to get in and out of rings for your runs, plus usually there are dogs in crates right at ringside going off their nuts when other dogs are running. I think Cruz is going to find that a bit challenging. I have only entered him in jumping this time. The inevitable clashes from running 2 dogs does my head in sometimes so after only getting 2 runs at Ballarat, this is mainly Atilla's turn. But this is still my favourite trial in terms of the atmosphere and location. (Someone described it as 'party trial' once which was a pretty good description.) Plus lots of runs along the beach, walks around the town, great pubs, great fish and chips and even 4 of my favourite judges....... so Q's or not, who cares, bring it on!