Monday, January 21, 2008

Canine Cakes

Yasser's birthday treats - carrot, zucchini and peanut butter cake with dog friendly carob frosting, yoghurt drops and mint and peanut butter biscuits on the side - Mmmmmm!
Plus a squeaky toy on top. I think the kelpies were more interested in that.
I also made his biscuit platter - happily shared with the bluey and the kelpies. Cruz's birthday is next up - don't know what 'theme' cake I will make for that. I was particularly pleased with the one I made for Jack last year - pale green frosting with a white (icing) sheep on top. The photo is in my work computer, will post it later if I can find it.

Love spoiling my dogs on their birthdays - and the look on their faces digging into their slice of cake makes it all worthwhile.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Yasser

13 years young today.

It only seems like yesterday when we brought home this cute black and white puppy with ears that he never really grew into. My first grown up dog - not a kelpie but I think there's a bit of one in there, along with a few other herding breeds. Best agility dog a beginner could ever have had - we certainly never set the world on fire, but had a lot of fun over the years. And the funny thing was that he actually developed more speed and enthusiasm as he got older- maybe something to do with my handling improving. By the time we reached Veteran class he barked with excitement the whole way round. First dog I ever trialled - I still remember that first time so clearly, I was so nervous I didn't think I would be able to move and co-ordinate my mouth at the same time, but somehow I did.

First dog I ever gained a title with. I remember that Novice agility run as if it was yesterday too. Where did the years go?

Happy Birthday faithful friend - may there be more ahead !

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Merry Christmas (a little belated) and a very Happy New Year !

After spending so long creating this relatively simple task I now have a new found respect for all those bloggers out there who unfailingly keep theirs up to date.

Not sure I can promise to do the same - or maybe it gets easier after time.