She is a fawn kelpie, a colour not as common as the red & tans and black & tans.
You can find more information about fawn kelpies here :
Pretty stunning hey ! And brains as well - she is showing off her sashes for winning her class (CCD) at an Obedience trial in NSW. Just as well one member of the family is out there strutting their stuff as Cruz still hasn't made his agility debut. Thanks to me continually finding 'holes' I want to fix.
Poor Cruz, he'll be a veteran at this rate before he ever gets out there. So October is going to be my 'focus on Cruz's training month', Atilla has had the limelight for long enough.
We have magpies nesting everywhere at the moment and one has taken up residence in a tree in my agility area.
I was training Atilla this afternoon, we set up at the startline and he did 2 jumps, which put him in line with the magpie tree - every time he reached this point, the magpie came down and dive bombed him.
Normally he's happy to chase any magpie who dares to do this to him, but this one was either extra mean looking or the fact that he was trying to complete an agility run messed with his mind and he couldn't handle it.
Finally he freaked out and went into the tunnel and wouldn't come out.
I know it's mean to laugh at him, but I couldn't help it. Especially when a little kelpie face appeared at the end of tunnel and looked around to see if it was safe to continue - too funny !
And even funnier when I ran the same sequence with Cruz and the magpie ignored him - poor Atilla ! A dent in his kelpie ego I'm sure, let's hope the neighbouring sheep don't get to hear about it.
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